On 7th June 2020, farms all over the country will open their gates for LEAF Open Farm Sunday. As the farming industry’s annual open day, it offers a fantastic chance for people to discover real farming at first hand and see for themselves how their food (and much more besides) is produced.
Open Farm Sunday at Hundred River Farm will be focused on learning about where milk and beef products come from and learning about the lifecycles in the countryside that are essential for producing food and supporting biodiversity.
10:30 - Arrivals and Food Themed Activities
12:00 - Lunch (Don’t forget your picnic’s)
13:00 - Farm Walk - life-cycles and soil cycles
14:30 - Animal Feeding
Activities are tailored to younger children but all ages are welcome. You can help with animal feeding (and cuddles), seasonal activities and crafty fun.
Please note: Sunday sessions are £4.50 per person for all ages (excluding babes-in-arms) please specify total number of people as ‘Quantity’ when pre-booking below.
Join our facebook group for the latest activity updates.
Can’t make it? Don’t worry your little ones can help us feed the animals, explore and learn together every Tuesday and Friday throughout the year - kicking off from 9:30am.