We’re looking to forward to welcoming you to our latest half-term family day! Activities will be tailored toward younger children but all ages are welcome to come along and join in - that includes parents, grandparents and visiting relatives.
Please ensure everyone comes dressed appropriately for the weather. Ideally wellies should be worn all year round - don’t forget your raincoats. We recommend preparing for all eventualities and bringing an extra change of clothes just in case.
You can pre-book by selecting the type of booking you would like to make below or you can message us through facebook to confirm availability if you would prefer to pay on arrival. Places are allocated on a first come, first served basis.
9:30am - Gates Open
10 - 12pm - Animal Feeding & Encounters
12:45 - 1:45 - Nature Detectives (Seed Saving)
2pm - Home Time
Please note: Half term sessions are £4.50 per person for all ages (excluding babes-in-arms).
How to book?
Select your desired event below
Then click the small calendar icon in the top right corner and select the date of your event
Select the start time and complete the booking form - you will be asked to pay at the end.
OR if you would rather pay on arrival please email info@hundredriverfarm.co.uk to check availability - places are allocated on a first come, first serve basis.